Armour of God II: Operation Condor (1991)
African vampires don’t like Chinese blood.
African vampires don’t like Chinese blood.
Fang Shi-jie forsøker å finne sine foreldre. Den letteste måten å finne dem på er å være i rampelyset.
Jackie sin tidligere kjæreste blir kidnappet av noen onde munker, og Jackie og hans gamle venn Alan må redde henne.
The truth is I am a driver. Nothing more. This is my destiny. I will never know what it’s like
Parents: Please do not leave your children unattended. All unattended children will be eaten.
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me! And I’m gonna tell you this, it will not be done with mercy!
Jin: You’re the lowest of the low. Mugen: What’d you say? Jin: Your stance leaves you wide open, and your
Mugen: When you point a sword at someone you either you kill them or they kill you , ther ain’t