Can true love cure a dying heart?
A young man with a heart disease knows he doesn’t have long to live. He’s lucky if he turns 20. He has known a girl since he was a young boy, and he loves her so much, and she loves him. But he knows that his time with her will be short. So now it’s the time to take the next step and become a couple or say farewell.
I Give My First Love to You is a typical movie I love when I connect to the story, the characters, and the choices that are made. And man, I loved this movie!
I love the opening scene when the young boy is at the hospital, and the young girl tells him to take off his clothes since she’s a doctor. She is determined to remove his clothes and underwear. Man, what a funny scene! And the actress who plays the little girl is so cute and intense.
The young girl is the daughter of the young boy’s doctor, and the two of them stick together. Fast forward to the present time, and the boy who is now a young man, knows that he’s about to die if he doesn’t get a new heart.
I loved this movie, but it isn’t a perfect movie. The movie introduces a new character who is interested in the young woman, and he’s a goofy character that I felt belonged in another movie. He’s sort of an important character, but he’s so irritating, and he feels so animated. He changes the story for the worse when he’s introduced. Before he shows up, I loved the movie and the great chemistry between the young man and the young woman. The actors are excellent, and I liked how determined and clingy the young woman was.
I Give My First Love to You is a movie about true love, soulmates, hope, surprises, and denial. It’s a movie that gives you hope when you least expect it, and it also takes it away when you don’t expect it. I was satisfied with the ending since you can understand the so-called villains in the movie when time is running out.