Sea Fog (2014) – English Review

A group of fishermen needs money, so they get a job they haven’t done before. They must smuggle some immigrants from China over to South Korea. But something goes horribly wrong on this trip.

Sea Fog is a darker movie than I thought it would be. The crew on the fishing boat consists mostly of friendly people, but the captain is a direct and brutal man. If things go wrong, he knows how to deal with the situation without hesitating. So he becomes the most unlikable character.

We never get to know the immigrants, except for a woman. The other immigrants get little screen time. There are some scenes with tension, and something goes wrong after an hour. Suddenly Sea Fog becomes a different type of movie. It’s mostly innocent for the first hour, but then the darkness falls over the fishing boat and the real journey begins for the crew.

And when the darkness settles down, Sea Fog turns into a bad and predictable movie. The last hour disappointed me. Suddenly all the crew members except one turn into despicable characters and human beings.

The crew members are so one-dimensional. Some of them lack intelligence, and it’s hard to take these characters seriously. Especially the horny fucker who wants to rape a woman. What the hell were they thinking when they created a character like this? I have seen so many South Korean movies, I’m familiar with this kind of character. If you are looking for movies with terrible human beings, just watch some South Korean movies. They are experts at creating despicable human beings.

On paper, this seemed to be an interesting movie. But don’t be fooled. This is a bad movie with one-dimensional characters who makes a mistake and suddenly the movie hits a reef and sinks. The last hour is a real letdown. It’s not exciting. It’s just stupid to watch how the crew members behave and when they show their real side. What a bunch of losers!

Rating: 3/10

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