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Speak No Evil (2022) – English Review

A Danish couple takes their child with them and visits a couple they met on vacation. They live in the Netherlands, and the Danish couple regrets saying yes to the invitation because the Dutch couple is behaving in a way no adults should behave. There’s a dark atmosphere in the house. What is going on?

Speak No Evil is a slow burner where we follow the Danish couple and their child. It’s not a movie for people who want to watch a fast-paced thriller. It’s a movie that builds up the tension between the characters.

The Dutch couple isn’t nice to their child, who has no tongue, and that is something the Danish couple is having trouble with. So why doesn’t this kid have a tongue, and why are his parents so angry at him?

After a short while, the Danish couple wants to leave, but they go back and forth. To stay or leave is the big question in life.

I have to say that it didn’t take long before I knew what was going on with the Dutch couple. So the point with the movie is that the Danish couple is the typical stupid horror idiots that are too nice. And when you are too nice in this world, you will be eaten by the wolves.

So it’s not just the Dutch couple’s kid who is mentally abused. You can also say the same thing about the Danish couple. They are a couple of losers, and even though I loved the last 20 minutes of the movie, I was hoping they would wake up and do something right and grow a spine.

If you like slow burners where most of the story takes place in a single location and sometimes in a car, then this is a movie you should watch if you like to follow spineless characters that you hope will wake up before the wolves eat them.

Toward the end, the movie has a fantastic scene that people who love Ichi the Killer will love. It’s a fantastic and brutal scene, and I love it if the execution is perfect. And I felt it was pretty perfect in this scene.

Rating: 7/10

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