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The Finest Hours (2016)

Året er 1952, og en oljetanker blir delt i to og mannskapet om bord gjør alt de kan for å overleve. Kystvakten sender ut en liten redningsbåt, men sjansen for at de i det hele tatt selv skal overleve er svært liten. Continue reading “The Finest Hours (2016)”

Interstellar (2014)


Veien tilbake. Continue reading “Interstellar (2014)”

Chasing Amy (1997)

chasing amy

Archie was the bitch and Jughead was the butch. That’s why he was always going around wearing that crown-looking hat… he was the king of queen Archie’s world. Continue reading “Chasing Amy (1997)”

Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

There’s a ninety-five pound Chinese man with a hundred sixty million dollars behind this door. Continue reading “Ocean’s Eleven (2001)”