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Idiocracy (2006)


Joe Bauers er en forsøkskanin i et militært eksperiment, men blir glemt. Han våkner opp etter 500 år, og alle menneskene er idioter. Han er plutselig verdens smarteste mann, og han må løse verdens problemer. Continue reading “Idiocracy (2006)”

Away We Go (2009)

Babies like to breathe, and they’re good at hiding it. I put a pillow over a baby. I thought she wasn’t breathing, but she was. She was sneaky, but I’ll try again. Continue reading “Away We Go (2009)”

Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie (2004)

Ron Burgundy, en mann du ikke blir kvitt så lett. Continue reading “Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie (2004)”