Movie Reviews (English), USAThe Black Phone (2021) – English Review Captain Charisma / 11/08/2022 The creepy guy.
Action, Blu-ray Disc, Eventyr, Fantasi, Filmanmeldelser, USADoctor Strange (2016) Captain Charisma / 05/03/2017 Et nytt og spennende liv.
Blu-ray Disc, Filmanmeldelser, Grøsser, USADeliver Us from Evil (2014) Captain Charisma / 15/12/2014 Dyriske instinkter.
Filmanmeldelser, Grøsser, USAHellraiser: Inferno (2000) Captain Charisma / 01/06/2009 Your flesh is killing your spirit.
Canada, Filmanmeldelser, Science fiction, USAThe Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) Captain Charisma / 16/02/2009 If the Earth dies, you die. If the human race dies, the Earth survives.